The Braithwaites

The Braithwaites
Jun 2010

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

it MAY have been a crazy ,fun month.....

But now it is coming to an end. I am happy and sad ,at the same time, that this school year is coming to an end.Time just seems to be going faster and faster.I wish I could find a way to slow it down.Life just gets way to busy.I feel like I don't have time to just enjoy the little things like I so badly want to.I get so caught up in the mundane daily tasks of life that it is eating up all my time, and my children are growing up before my eyes! What can you do!?
Ashton finished his end of level testing and felt pretty good about how he did.He is such a good kid .I feel lucky to be his Mom.He is now officially a teenager.
We had a huge party at a park with a lot of his cousins , who were visiting.It was windy ,but fun! He also got to go to jumping' jacks.Over-all I think it was a success.
Abby has grown tremendously , this past year. She has made huge strides,this year academically. She has always done very well with math,and this year she has become an awesome reader, and writer.She also just gets more and more helpful as she grows.She is still a second Mom to Isaac.She is my Angel.
Amelia is also doing very well in school ,and scored the highest ,in her class in a science test.She is an amazing dancer and picks things up so quick(that did not come from me) .She is very sweet ,and(all on her own) offered to clean house for a sick neighbor.She and Abby spent a good part of a Saturday helping her.
Ammon is very well liked and accepted he is just happy-go-lucky,and people like to be around him.He does really well in math.His teacher said that he is able to do math problems in his head ,when other student have to work them out on paper.His scout leader said that he is super creative and artistic.He always comes up with cool things,he seems to have an eye for art.
Aliza is her own designer package of five-year-old precociousness.We love her.She has a lot of friends,and isn't afraid to be herself.She touches bugs when even the boys won't.A friend of our asked "how she got so smart,did you get that from your Mom" She,with a big smile,shook her head no.I replied"you better not say your Dad,where did you get that from?" She then said "my Dad" She says the funniest things,and is truly a delight!
Isaac is sooo "TWO" .He is so busy, and really fun .I refer to him as "THE HUMAN WRECKING BALL".He dumps,drags,spills,throw,yells screams and throws tantrums,but he also laughs,runs,plays ,sings,talks, signs, makes us all laugh and smile,gives hugs and kisses,brings so much joy to our family.
Reed is busy, as usual. Between High-counseling ,work ,and being a Dad he doesn't have time for anything.He is wonderful,and I am so grateful for a sweet ,hard-working ,faithful husband ,and he's pretty cute too.
Well there is a fast update.You can read between the lines for all the things that I don't have time to mention.Duty calls.Isaac is crying!