The month of May flew by .School is out and we are getting geared up for Summer. We already have busy plans of Karate Camp and Cheer leading classes,mixed in with lots of swimming ,visiting family in S.L. a vacation to CA ,and hopefully some time to camp and just relax with the Kids .Life seems to be getting busier and time seems to be going faster.I wish I could find a way to slow time down.
We are going to S.L. tomorrow for H.S. graduations for Mckenna,Jamin and Jason .It will be so good to see everyone!!!
Ashton finished all of his end of level testing and is so happy to be done.The only problem is that he is going to do summer school until school starts in August .He is not real happy but it will be good for all of the Kids to keep up.
Reed and Ashton just got back from Boy Scouts camp yesterday .They had a great time! They came back tired ,sore,Sun burned and mosquito bitten, but very happy.Ashton's shoes caught on fire, when he tried to warm them by the fire.He burned his finger but is no worse for the wear .It will be a good story to tell his kids someday.
Abby is still just a little Barbie! She is so sweet and such a huge help with Isaac .She brings so much to our family.She is usually the first to get her chores done.Her teacher told me at the end of the year how great Abby was ,she said she was always friends with new Kids and willing to help.The girls also did great in their dance recital.
Amelia got her picture in the newspaper this month for "The Relay for life" in fact they used her quote to name the article on the front page" No one else has to die "
She talked about her grandma and ran three miles.She is still the teachers pet!
Ammon is as cute as ever with his mix of big teeth, baby teeth ,and no teeth smile.
He did Awesome in his end of year program.He love's his new air-soft gun and follows around his big brother.He still really likes Karate.
Aliza has had a very busy month .She graduated pre-school registered for Kindergarten got her five-year-old shots,and started speech,but the most monumental moment occurred on May 13Th 2008.SHE TIED HER SHOES!I am so proud of her!
Isaac has also had a big month.He"officially"turned one year on the 14Th.Cut his first teeth about the same time one on the bottom two on top those three came in within few days of each other,we are still waiting for the other bottom tooth to come in.It looks really cute!,and then a few days ago while his O.T. was here he just randomly stood up in the middle of the floor and stood for a few seconds.He got such a reaction that he did it a few more times and even clapped while he was standing.He signs,Ball, Daddy ,Mommy and bye bye .He says hi to everyone! He brings so much happiness to our family ,we love him!
We went to a family stake dance last night .I was so proud of my kids .Ashton danced 12 dances ,He is quite the ladies man! Abby and Amelia also danced Amelia mostly danced with Mr. Brady Jones(so cute),Ammon danced and played Aliza danced a lot with Reed .Me and Isaac were dance partners and Grandpa came and danced with about all of us .It was fun!!We also got to see Pres. Henry B. Eyring last week at our church that was way cool .He smile and waved at us as he got in his car .What a neat spirit he has!!
We look forward to a totally awesome summer .Especially being able to spend so much time together.